Effective bleeding control during aortic anastomosis is crucial. Key techniques include tightening loose sutures with figure-of-eight reinforcement, using tent-like sutures to compress bleeding points, and employing pledgets—either with the sandwich technique (two pledgets) or the top-cover method (single pledget)—to seal persistent leaks. These methods enhance precision and ensure patient safety.
Continue ReadingTips and Tricks for Vascular Anastomoses
There follow some tips to use when performing a vascular anastomosis. Remember to minimally handle the tissues, especially when dealing with an atherosclerotic vessel. Hard …
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Continue ReadingAnastomosis of left renal artery on an open repair of a pararenal aneurysm
Two ways to do it: Include it in the proximal (bevelled) aortic anastomosis or, Create a Carrel patch around its orifice from aortic sac BEFORE …
Continue ReadingHow to do an anastomosis with the parachute technique, …almost without any help
Remember to keep the stitch loops extended like a parachute’s suspension lines, during the first bites of the anastomosis, by applying tension on the graft …
Continue ReadingTips for aortic anastomosis
PREPARATION OF THE AORTA Definitely good T-ing or transection ANASTOMOSIS Parachute: 2/1 and then pulling down and tight Short bites Bites out-in to the aorta …
Continue ReadingA “tent-suture” for correcting a bleeding from the anastomotic line
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Do you want to know a good trick for the very-very distal anastomosis on a distal bypass?
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