Tips for Managing Bleeding During Aortic Anastomosis

Effective bleeding control during aortic anastomosis is crucial. Key techniques include tightening loose sutures with figure-of-eight reinforcement, using tent-like sutures to compress bleeding points, and employing pledgets—either with the sandwich technique (two pledgets) or the top-cover method (single pledget)—to seal persistent leaks. These methods enhance precision and ensure patient safety.

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Surgical Tip for Exploring SMA Embolism: Artery to the Left of Vein

Pactical tip for vascular surgeons managing SMA embolism. It is highlighted that the anatomical relationship between the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and vein (SMV) in the root of the mesentery is crucial, emphasizing the importance of identifying the SMA to the left of the SMV and recognizing the palpable “sausage-like” structure of an embolized artery during exploration.

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