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Continue ReadingSet the Omni-tract for a AAA open repair
See the following image to set the omni-tract for an infrarenal AAA open repair. After opening the abdomen through a midline incision, set the omni-tract …
Continue ReadingHow to deal with an inflammatory AAA
An inflammatory AAA may be a very difficult case for an open repair. Because of the inflammation, the duodenum and the initial part of the …
Continue ReadingTEVAR / EVAR: beware of these…
TEVAR / EVAR: the way to go in most patients with thoracic or abdominal aorta aneurysm. Are there things to take care of? Here are …
Continue ReadingMind the left renal vein
The left renal vein usually lies anteriorly to abdominal aorta. So whenever you want to dissect an aortic aneurysm close to the renal arteries as …
Continue ReadingThe best suture for lumbar arteries ligation
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Continue ReadingGet distal control on a ruptured AAA
So you have dived into a lake full of blood from a ruptured AAA. And you have proximal control. Great! What you need now is …
Continue ReadingHow to get proximal control on a ruptured AAA
On an open repair of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) the main issue is the proximal control. How will the surgeon clamp quickly and …
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