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Continue ReadingWhat to do with a thrombosed graft?
What a great disappointment to find that the graft you put yesterday to treat a patient with lower limb ischemia has been blocked!!! Did you …
Continue ReadingDistal anterior tibial or dorsalis pedis artery
So, you want to make a bypass on the distal anterior tibial artery (ATA) or on the dorsalis pedis artery (DPA). Read how to find …
Continue ReadingAspirin + Rivaroxaban for PAD patients: do not pop up the champagne yet…
Definitely, the addition of small doses of rivaroxaban to the current antiplatelet treatment for PAD is an impressive and promising treatment regimen that might give …
Continue ReadingSerious end-point on a distal bypass
So, you have completed an awesome bypass on the dorsalis pedis or the paramalleolar posterior tibial artery. The blood flows well, the Doppler sound is …
Continue ReadingPosterior approach to the popliteal artery
In case of popliteal artery injury as in knee dislocation, or repair of a popliteal artery aneurysm, the dissection can be done in an elegant …
Continue ReadingHow to do a distal bypass
A distal bypass or an arterial bypass on a tibial or pedal artery is often needed especially in diabetic patients with critical lower limb ischemia. …
Continue ReadingTips and necessities for a successful pedal bypass
Pedal bypass surgery is a highly demanding procedure with a strong possibility of instant failure and graft thrombosis. Stick adhesion to details may be useful …
Continue ReadingObturator foramen bypass: an alternative solution for particular cases of limb ischemia
An infected groin prevents using the femoral artery as a target for revascularization. In these cases, when revascularization of the femoral artery is needed, an …
Continue ReadingPopliteal artery patch-plasty: how to do
Patch-plasty of the popliteal artery (PA) is not always that easy. The artery is deep into the calf, muscle fibers surround it and even when …
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