Δείτε πώς μπορείτε να μετατρέψετε το HEVAR σε μία εφαρμογή (app) στο κινητό σας. Ανακαλύψτε πώς αυτή η πολυλειτουργική εφαρμογή μπορεί να μετατρέψει το smartphone …
Continue ReadingThe final part of every procedure (which sometimes we forget…)
When anastomoses of a bypass or an aneurysm repair have been done, or when an endarterectomy has been completed, we tend to think that everything …
Continue ReadingProtected: What is the server name of Top.Host?
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Continue ReadingConnect your Hero4 GoPro to your iPhone, in 4 steps
Turn on your GoPro camera (press the camera’s front button) Turn on wifi on the GoPro camera (press the camera’s right button continuously until you …
Continue ReadingAre you looking for something? Look for evidence…
Do you want to find something? Then look for evidence. And what is evidence? It is these small clues that leads one towards the solution …
Continue ReadingHow to deal with a retroperitoneal tumor
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Continue ReadingTOS: First rib resection, infraclavicular approach
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Continue ReadingProtected: Various issues about Vascularsociety.gr
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Continue ReadingAspirin + Rivaroxaban for PAD patients: do not pop up the champagne yet…
Definitely, the addition of small doses of rivaroxaban to the current antiplatelet treatment for PAD is an impressive and promising treatment regimen that might give …
Continue ReadingSplenic injury: how to avoid splenectomy
And unfortunately, you come across a minor splenic capsular tear causing a continuous little by little bleeding. Due to a hard pull of a retractor, …
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