Today, aortoiliac endarterectomy may be considered an unnecessary procedure. How will you ever need to do it with all these endovascular options? But never say …
Continue ReadingAnastomosis of left renal artery on an open repair of a pararenal aneurysm
Two ways to do it: Include it in the proximal (bevelled) aortic anastomosis or, Create a Carrel patch around its orifice from aortic sac BEFORE …
Continue ReadingTips for aortic anastomosis
PREPARATION OF THE AORTA Definitely good T-ing or transection ANASTOMOSIS Parachute: 2/1 and then pulling down and tight Short bites Bites out-in to the aorta …
Continue ReadingProtected: Alternative open repair for a TAAA. Will it work?
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Continue ReadingLeft thoracoabdominal incision
This is the skin incision for a left thoracoabdominal approach for a type IV or type III thoroabdominal aortic aneurysm open repair. The patient is …
Continue ReadingMind the left renal vein
The left renal vein usually lies anteriorly to abdominal aorta. So whenever you want to dissect an aortic aneurysm close to the renal arteries as …
Continue ReadingHow to get proximal control on a ruptured AAA
On an open repair of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) the main issue is the proximal control. How will the surgeon clamp quickly and …
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