Andreas M Lazaris, MD
Vascular & Endovascular Surgeon
Vascular & Endovascular Surgeon
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Suction is an indispensable tool in surgery, crucial for ensuring a clear field and facilitating the surgeon’s work. It’s not just about removing blood; it can also act as a small retractor to create space around the target area. Mastering suction use is essential for seamless surgical procedures!
There follow some tips to use when performing a vascular anastomosis. Remember to minimally handle the tissues, especially when dealing with an atherosclerotic vessel. Hard …
Pactical tip for vascular surgeons managing SMA embolism. It is highlighted that the anatomical relationship between the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and vein (SMV) in the root of the mesentery is crucial, emphasizing the importance of identifying the SMA to the left of the SMV and recognizing the palpable “sausage-like” structure of an embolized artery during exploration.